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Hello and welcome

Updated: Jan 20, 2022

I can't believe it's taken us so long to finally get a website up and running and kick this business off. Our desire to turn our farm into our sole source of income has been bubbling away at the back of my mind ever since we set foot on our scrubby bush block back in November 2015. The idea gained momentum in 2017 when I planted my first medicinal herb garden. Unfortunately it was not to be. Bushfires ravaged the east coast of Australia during that horrendous summer of 2019/20 and we lost it all.

Our trees, our gardens, our precious native landscape, my vast store of dried herbs and flowers, our was all gone. We truly felt as if our world had ended but we were determined to rebuild and start again. As the rains came and washed the wounds of the land we saw a chance to again realise our dreams, only to have them dashed a second time with the advent of a pandemic which changed the world in ways no-one could have imagined.

But here we are. It is 2022 and the stars have aligned to finally make the dream come true. Thanks to double our average rainfall over the past 2 years the land has regenerated so amazingly quickly that there are only a few scars left from the fires. And with the incredible support and generosity of both our physical and online communities we have been able to rebuild our infrastructure, restore much of what we lost, and finally set in place plans for the future of Dog Leg Farm.

So welcome! As things progress we will be bringing you details of workshops we will be hosting, products available for you to purchase, and information and skill sharing to help you on your goal towards a more self-sufficient, sustainable and rewarding lifestyle.

I look forward to you coming on the journey with us.


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Congrats guys and all the best wishes to u on this journey.. xxx Sandra

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